Surrogacy Program

A joyful journey starts with FTS.

Surrogacy Program Timeline

Step 1: Application & Initial Consultation

1/ Fill out the IPs questionnarire online. (Apply Here)

2/ Our team will reach out to you to set up an initial consultation.

3/ A customized surrogacy plan will be made for you. 

Week 1

Step 2 Retainer agreement & Surrogate Matching

1/ Sign retainer agreement with our agency.
2/ Start surrogate matching process (It could take from a few weeks to a few months to find a good match for you).
3/ Once we have a potential match for you, an official match meeting (usually through Zoom Meeting) will be scheduled for you and the surrogate mother.


Week 2~8

Step 3 Medical Screening


1/ Both you and the surrogate mother need to pass the Psychological evaluation.
2/ Your surrogate mother will travel to your IVF clinic for an onsite medical screening.
3/ Once medical clearance is issued by the clinic, you are ready to move to the next step.

4-8 Weeks upon clinic pre-approval

Step 4 Legal Contract


1/ The IP’s attorney will draft the surrogacy contract.
2/ Your surrogate mother will have her own representing attorney to help with reviewing the contract.
3/ The finalized contract will be signed and notarized by both parties. This process usually takes 2-4 weeks.

2-4 weeks upon medical clearance

Step 5 Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)


1/ Embryo transfer calendar will be prepared by the clinic 

2/ GC will start medications and injections per the instructions by clinic.

3/ A few monitoring appointments to check her hormone level and lining status.

4/ GC travelS to the clinic for FET .
5/ Fingers crossed for the pregnancy test!


4-6 weeks upon legal clearance

Step 6 Pregnancy & Delivery


1/ Heartbeat ultrasound confirmation.
2/ 12 week ultrasound.
3/ PBO preparation during 14-24 weeks of pregnancy.

4/ Waiting for the big day!


32-40 Weeks after FET